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Where is Leonardo DRS's corporate headquarters?
Leonardo DRS is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.
Where is the company incorporated?
Leonardo DRS is incorporated in the state of Delaware.
When did Leonardo DRS go public?
Leonardo DRS went public through a merger with publicly traded RADA Electronic Industries, Ltd. that closed in November 2022 at which point Leonardo DRS began trading on the NASDAQ and TASE under the ticker symbol “DRS”.
What is Leonardo DRS’s relationship with Leonardo S.p.A.?
For information regarding Leonardo DRS’s relationship with Leonardo S.p.A. please refer to the DRS 10-K, [starting on p. 176,] Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence. Additional information regarding Related Party Transactions is also available within our quarterly filings as notes to the unaudited consolidated financial statements.
What is Leonardo DRS’s fiscal year?
Leonardo DRS’s fiscal year ends on December 31.
How is Leonardo DRS stock traded?
Leonardo DRS stock is traded on the NASDAQ and Tel Aviv Stock Exchange under the symbol “DRS”.
Does Leonardo DRS pay dividends?
Leonardo DRS does not currently pay a dividend.
Who is Leonardo DRS's transfer agent?
The transfer agent for Leonardo DRS is American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC.
Who is Leonardo DRS's auditor?
The Company’s auditor is Ernst & Young.
How many employees does Leonardo DRS have?
Leonardo DRS has approximately 6,500 employees.
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?
For the latest corporate news releases and financial reports, please visit Leonardo DRS’s investor relations website at
How can I view documents Leonardo DRS has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
For the latest documents and filings with the Securities & Exchange Commission you can visit Leonardo DRS’s investor relations website at or directly on the Securities & Exchange Commission website at
Who makes up the Leonardo DRS Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
The Leonardo DRS Executive Management team can be viewed at and the Board of Directors can be viewed at
How can I receive email updates for this information?
Those interested in receiving automated email updates about Leonardo DRS can sign-up at
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
The investor relations team for Leonardo DRS can be reached by emailing or calling 1-703-409-2906.